Disaster Recovery


Project Details


U.S. Coast Gaurd




2018, Ongoing


Project Overview

In 2004, Hurricane Ivan created an underwater mudslide that toppled Taylor Energy’s oil platform at Mississippi Canyon 20 (MC20) in the Gulf of Mexico.

In November 2018 Couvillion Group was selected for the job of containing the spill by the U.S. Coast Guard in a national Request for Proposal (RFP) process.

The system that the Couvillion Group created consists of a unique 40-by-40 feet containment structure, an under water separator and storage tanks that actively collect, separate and store oil sub-sea.

Beginning in April of 2019 to February 2023 we have safely and efficiently captured and recycled over one point two million gallons of oil that would have otherwise continued to pollute the Gulf of Mexico.

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